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1.冯玲,刘毅,许玉竹,高燕,陈雀飞,熊佳丽,易荣,甲基化修饰与支气管哮喘的研究进展.国际呼吸杂志,2021,41(1): 58-62

2.冯玲,熊佳丽,易荣,刘毅,宏基因组二代测序在肺部感染诊治的临床价值.临床肺科杂志, 2021,26(12): 1834-37

3.Wei Cheng, Jiaxi Duan , Aiyuan Zhou , Yiyang Zhao , Rong Yi , Yi Liu , Dingding Deng, Xin Li , Yuqin Zeng , Yating Peng , Qing Song , Ling Lin , Min Yang and Ping Chen..Real-World Effectiveness of Inhalation Therapy Among Patients With Symptomatic COPD in China: A Multicenter Prospective Study. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2021,9(12): 3389-99

4.Yi Liu, Gu-yi Wang, Shao-kun Liu, Mu-yi Yang, Li-bing Ma, Keng Li,Su-bo Gong, Li Zhang, Ping Chen, and Xu-dong Xiang.β-arrestin2 Stimulates Interleukin-17 Production and Expression of CD4+ T Lymphocytes in a Murine Asthma Model,2011, 10(3): 171-182

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